Backgrounder is a simple tool to create colorful background wallpapers and choose your mood colors.
now with two styles:
1- Solid : solid wallpaper with one color
2- +Cricle : wallpaper with one color and centered circle with another color
- Save the wallpaper with your device dimensions
- Set wallpapers with one click as Home screen or Lock Screen
*lock screen work only for devices > Android 7 Nougat*
Your opinion is appreciated :)
Backgrounder adalah alat sederhana untuk membuat wallpaper latar belakang berwarna-warni dan memilih warna suasana hati Anda.
sekarang dengan dua gaya:
1- Padat: wallpaper padat dengan satu warna
2- + cricle: wallpaper dengan satu warna dan lingkaran berpusat dengan warna lain
- Simpan wallpaper dengan dimensi perangkat Anda
- Set wallpaper dengan satu kali klik sebagai layar Asal atau Lock Screen
* Layar kunci bekerja hanya untuk perangkat> Android 7 Nougat *
pendapat Anda dihargai :)
Backgrounder is a simple tool to create colorful background wallpapers and choose your mood colors.
now with two styles:
1- Solid : solid wallpaper with one color
2- +Cricle : wallpaper with one color and centered circle with another color
- Save the wallpaper with your device dimensions
- Set wallpapers with one click as Home screen or Lock Screen
*lock screen work only for devices > Android 7 Nougat*
Your opinion is appreciated :)